Friday, May 3, 2019

2019 River Marathon

I'm here in Victoria for the 2019 River Marathon.  This'll be my 5th consecutive year racing this race.

2015 - Dan Oko and I took 4th Novice and later missed the Safari due to postponements.
2016 - Kim and I took 2nd Novice and I raced later that year with Dan and got 4th Novice in the Safari.
2017 - I raced C1 and I think I got 4th C1.  Lost 3rd place by 3 seconds.
2018 - Max and I hauled butt and had a blast.  Sadly 75yr old Roy Tyron was on our tail the whole time in an aluminum.  hahaha

This is my team year and it's been a wild ride.  We are led by Holly Orr.  I think my favorite description of her is a "silent assassin".  Mostly because it sounds cool, but also because she is focused and relentless.  The hardest working teammate I've ever had.

Luke won 1st Novice with Alex last year.  They are both a blast to be around.  Luke keeps the boat laughing and is great to hang out with.  He's the guy who shows up with sausage, lights the fire and feeds everybody.

Alex is the most calm and kind person I've met in a long time.  He's the ballast in the boat when things get heated.

Mark Schatz is Holly and my longtime friend.  An excellent paddler but there is a lot of bad blood between him and the paddling community after a few rocky years of relentless trolling online.  It's been the most contentious part of the team so far.

We drove in through a killer storm.  Kim, the kids (including baby bubblegum) are here with Ma and Pa Olden.  They met earlier for dinner at the pump house.  We are staying in the same hotel we stay in every year.

Max is in the hotel across the parking lot and we had a really great window love session.

Tomorrow is a big day.  We will see how we stack up with the other boats.  It's going to be a great year!